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The Best Kids Parties Entertainment in Westchester NY

If you are planning a children’s party in Westchester,New York  - you want to make sure you pick the right location, timing and party entertainment. Hosting a kid’s party can be simple and fun if you follow these tips.

Find the best venue for your party. Hosting a party at home has advantages and disadvantages. You have more flexibility on time, better control of the budget and you can decorate to your hearts content. The downside is you have to try to control and entertain a bunch of crazy kids running around your house. There are number of play -gym establishments in Westchester where you can let the kids run around the gym, while the employees there help you keep control, but in my experience these places are noisy, loud and tedious.

Sure, the kids do enjoy going up and down the slides and jumping in the ball pit for a little while, but these places tend to get kids overheated and worked up. If you are entertaining a bunch of toddlers along with older children you must pay close attention so that the little ones don’t get hurt.

Pizza parlors and ice cream shops all over Westchester County can be great places for birthday parties as long as you have professional children’s entertainment. The food to be fantastic but the kids don’t care. They’re there to have fun. Unfortunately the restaurant is not the best place for children to run around and play. That’s why so many people choose to have a professional magician at their children’s birthday party.

The best time to have a birthday party is early in the day. You can get discounts from a number of party places by booking at off-peak hours. My magic show is generally less expensive when you book it before noon.

If you really want to knock their socks off and put on a terrific birthday party, why not hire a professional birthday party magician who specializes in entertaining at children’s events all over Westchester? ( the best magician … I wonder who that could be? )

My magic show combines the best of sleight-of-hand, comedy, audience anticipation, juggling and even features a live bunny rabbit. I can also do fantastic balloon sculptures like balloon dogs, balloon hats, swords, flowers and all sorts of crazy shapes.

Check my reviews …. Watch my goofy video and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

My magic show is available all over Westchester County New York. From backyard parties and Yonkers, to Communion parties in New Rochelle, christenings in Mount Vernon, fundraisers in Whiteplains,  picnics in Peekskill, company parties in Rye, holiday parties, tricks in Tarrytown, and on and on.

I do it all. For more than 30 years I've been providing New Yorkers with outstanding magic and comedy shows for family events. But call me now before my calendar sells out.

photo credit: Kristopher Tate via photopin cc


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